Feeling sleepy after eating is a phenomenon called “postprandial sleepiness” that is caused by several factors, includingdiet,sleephabits, andalcoholintake. Certain conditions, such asdiabetes, can also lead tofatigueduring the day. Here’s what you need to know. Postprandial sleepiness, also know...
By Guest | 1 post,last postover a year ago New ReplyFollowNew Topic Guestover a year ago I am always tired and exhausted no matter what I do. I am 25, female. I am not fat, little over weight and have diabetes. I sleep sometimes over 10 hours but I am still tired. ...
Missing 1 or2 hoursof sleep may not seem like a big deal, but it can negatively affect a person's mood, energy levels, and ability to handle complex tasks. Chronic sleep deprivation can increase a person's risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes. How can I sleep comfortably...
Hormonal disturbances (e.g., diabetes, thyroid imbalances, issues with the adrenal glands) Low blood counts Heart disorders/weaknesses or blood flow obstructions Lung disorders that impair oxygen exchange Depletion of Neurotransmitters “The depletion of neurotransmitters—i.e., chemicals that help signa...
Over time, the consequences of not getting enough sleep aremore severeand include higher chances of obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cognitive problems like memory loss and difficulty thinking. Long-term sleep deprivation can also exacerbatemental health issuessuch asanxiety and depression...
Though let me ask you. Do the symptoms get worse at certain moments? I.E. Physical Exertion, Being outside, After eating, etc. Or as far as you can tell it is just peaking and waning at random throughout the day? It could be linked to Anxiety. (As I was told.) Even though most...
I am terrible at eating stuff like that neatly... my sister Bees I&h... Save 2 Zombification levels are reaching peak… That Crazy Redhead September 28, 2021 One of these days, I gotta try one of those Monster energy drinks... or not, bc of my diabetes. But I need something ...
Hepatitis B is a silent killer, deserving just as much attention as diabetes and heart disease. Because many Asians get infected as newborns from their mothers or as children, they become chronic carriers for life. There are no symptoms, until devastating cirrhosis and liver cancer strikes at a...
In Japan, it’s primarily used for dieting, to suppress the urge to indulge in sweet foods. The anti-sweet activity is attributed to gymnemic acids, glycosides, lasting up to 2 hours. It’s also good for diabetes (to decrease blood sugar). ...
Long-term lack of sleep might be an important factor for negative conditions such as diabetes (糖尿病), overweight and high blood pressure. H) Adolescents are increasingly using stimulants to compensate for sleep loss, and caf, feinated (含咖啡咽的) and/or sugary drinks are the usual choice...