You need to plan lots of fun things to do at a sleepover to keep kids occupied until they go to sleep, which is never, so you better have a lot of games!
If you will be serving dinner, pizza or snacks (so your friends will know whether to eat or wait until they get to the party to have dinner). Example - We will be having pizza! As a courtesy you might want to ask on the invitation if the invitee has a food allergy - ask the par...
Psst: here are a bunch moreeasy sleepover snacks to make. Like Unicorn fudge cookies (what?!?!). 9. Make Personalized Keychains Teens are either driving or will drive soon. Not to mention, they likely have a set of their house keys (locker keys, gym locker keys…etc.). Which makes ...
Prepare the food. If you (with the help of your parents) already picked up some food to eat and make, such as hot dogs and hamburgers, then you should make the food if the guests arrive around dinner time. Don't leave people standing around hungry. You can offer them soda or snacks,...
Be sure to bring plenty of popcorn and other movie snacks, and snuggle up in your pajamas and sleeping bags to watch in comfort. If you want to turn it into a competition, see who can stay awake longest—or try not to be the first to fall asleep. 30 Pillow Fight Download Article ...
Have some good sleepover snacks. Caffeinated drinks and sugary foods are good for staying up all night. Examples include popcorn, pretzels, cookies, crisps, gummy bears, chocolate, and cupcakes. You can also ask your friends to bring things to the sleepover if you're not sure what to provide...