Sleepless in Seattle: Directed by Nora Ephron. With Tom Hanks, Ross Malinger, Rita Wilson, Victor Garber. A recently widowed man's son calls a radio talk-show in an attempt to find his father a partner.
Sleepless in Seattle (1993) User Reviews (327) Add a Review TheLittleSongbird30 May 2010 8/10 Unshamedly manipulative, and somewhat old-fashioned, but a charming romantic comedy Sleepless in Seattle is manipulative and unashamedly so. The fact that it is somewhat old-fashioned is not ...
Sleepless in Seattle 是美国一部著名的电影名,中文译作“西雅图夜未眠”或“不眠西雅图”。Sleepless in Seattle 是一部在1993年出品的美国电影,讲述的是一个动人的爱情故事。山姆是一名建筑师,在妻子玛姬得癌症去世后,因难忍丧妻之痛而一蹶不振,朋友和同事都为他担心。山姆最后决定彻底改变,和儿...
Marking the movie’s 30th anniversary, co-writer Delia Ephron reflected on its cult status to Deadline as she remembered her and late sister Nora Ephron’s little-known 1994 Christmas film, “a great fun comedy that we wrote together” after the success of Sleepless in Seattle (1993).“I ...
大陆 科幻 《西雅图夜未眠中英对照台词...》剧情简介:在上海陈伊乐通过电线杆上贴办假证的小广告联系上黄牛办理了新的身份证并成功上了户口从此陈伊乐摇身一变成了蒋某红户籍所在地为贵州省清远县舞阳镇西雅图夜未眠中英对照台词...你这样好吗我们对弈的成果都被幽...