I lay for a moment; my head propped up in one hand, and admire his glorious body as he lies before me. His strong masculine chest and shoulders delight me, but my eyes are drawn down between his thighs. His cock lays flaccid against his thigh, one of his legs drawn up slightly, ...
Use pillows under your belly, between your legs, and behind your back Lean back against a pillow while on your side Lie in a half-sitting position, propped up against some pillows, which can be helpful if you suffer from heartburn. Is one side better than the other for sleeping during ...
Added bonus: I've propped myself up with this to sit in bed in order to get my legs out straight for awhile and it's pretty comfortable in that position as well.Cons: I don't like that I have to have my down-side (against-the-mattress) arm under the pillow to not feel...
roast pork, a brittle-skinned chicken, some meal demanding her afternoon. We go on adventures.This would have been the spring of 1965 when the Mississippi surged over the St. Paul levee, achieving