Horses: Sleeping upright站着睡觉的马When bedtime rolls around and you're really sleepy, what do you do? Do you stand in the middle of your room and fall asleep? Of course not! You fall into bed and rest your head on a nice, soft pillow.Can you imagine sleeping while standing up?That...
A dual unit to gently and user adjustably support a user's head from slumping either too much forward or too much to either side while allowing proper air circulation for user comfort when the user is in an upright position with the unit releaseably held to a chair back is disclosed....
First, try burping them more frequently during the day and after each feeding. This will help release some of the gas that may be causing discomfort. Secondly, make sure they’re in an upright position for at least 30 minutes after eating to allow gravity to help move any trapped air bub...
Not only is it extremely comfortable and tilts you slightly upright, it just feels good while you sleep. Laying on your back is also one of the best positions that we (meaning, us big boobs!) can sleep in. It takes pressure off your back and we're also not smu...
The “bread loaf” sleep position is a classic — upright, with paws and tail tucked in. “A cat that chooses to ‘loaf’ may do so for a number of reasons, including cold temperatures, stress and pain,” says Moss. “This position conserves heat, protects the vital organs and leaves ...
A passer-by looks at a woman sleeping in an upright bed secured to the wall of a high-rise building in the Japanese capital, Tokyo.───在日本首都东京,一名路人望着一名女子睡在垂直的床上,被固定在某高层建筑上。 英语使用场景 Some of us will be sleeping in the annexe. Our guests are sl...
That means he can rest his arms, legs an d he a d in the box while still remaining upright.Giraffenap has been made in two different styles. They're expecte d to go on sale at the en d of next year. So when that time comes, I hope you'll try sleeping standing up -- just ...
根据最后一段Giraffenaphasbeenmadeintwodifferentstyles.(Giraffenap有两种不同的款式。)和第三段Also,makingtheboxstanduprightmeansthatittakesuphalfasmuchfloorspace. (此外,让盒子直立意味着它占用一半的地板空间。)以及最后一段They'reexpectedtogoonsaleattheendofnextyear.(它们预计将于明年年底上市。)可知,提到...
unerect - not upright in position or posture Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. sleepingadjective 1. In a state of sleep: asleep, unawake. Idioms: dead to the world, fast asleep, in a sound sleep, out like a light. 2. ...
na.睡懒觉;〈英〉(佣人)住在东家家里;睡过头 网络熟睡的猫壁纸;熟睡的猫桌布;学生的上课时间和睡眠习惯 网络释义 1. 熟睡的猫壁纸 大尺寸世界各地动物壁纸精... ... 48. 暹罗猫壁纸 Siamese Cat 49.熟睡的猫壁纸Sleeping In50. 白猫壁纸 What's Up Buttercup! ... ...