Sleeping In My Car歌词 J. Burney 發佈於:2021年 播放:0次 時長:04:11 播放 歌詞 此音乐 暂无歌词 请把zz123音乐分享给你的3个朋友! 请把zz123音乐分享给你的3个朋友! 好音乐请分享给您的朋友 请把zz123音乐分享给你的3个朋友! 喜欢的音乐,请及时收藏/分享 喜欢的音乐,请及时收藏/分享 请把zz123...
Went out to loosen up the car Somehow I wound up at the Rainbow Bar I had a scotch and soda on the run But didn't get too far Then I, I ran down, down some friends I used to know I dragged them out to see the show I ran myself a bath and I tried to read yo...