Yeah, so what if the opening riff is pretty much AC/DC’s “Let Me Put My Love In You” put through the black metal filter of Fenriz and Nocturno Culto? Fenriz claims it wasn’t even AC/DC who inspired this riff anyway, so to Hell with the detractors. For decades, Darkthrone have ...
His breath mild odour scatter'd round, His eyes an azure fillet bound: On every side did zephyrs play, To fan the sultry beams of day; While the soft tenants of the grove, Attun'd their notes to plaintive Love. Thus lay the Boywhen DEVONS feet Unknowing reach'd the lone retreat...
Mindfulness is pretty much the antidote to that thought pattern. So before you shove your feet in your shoes and sprint out the door, take a few moments to take some deep breaths. Notice where you’re at mentally, where your thoughts tend to go. Feel your muscles: are there any places ...