I played Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition over a year now and my conclusion is: It is one of the best games of all times I played. First of all: The setting is fantastic and so intense. Hong Kong is where East and West meet, a place of cultural intertwining and has so much potential...
扮演臥底員警沈威,冒著生命危險滲透並瓦解三合會。榮獲眾多獎項肯定的開放世界動作冒險遊戲專門為PlayStation®4重製決定版。遊戲將包含先前所有的下載內容以及各式改良項目。香港熱鬧繁華的街頭等待你來探索。 Copyright: SLEEPING DOGS DEFINITIVE EDITION ©201
缺点:极其无聊且数量夸张的小任务,让我有一种这游戏是开放罐头游戏鼻祖的感觉,说实话2012年之前还真没有哪个开放世界的3A能像热血无赖一样公式化,而且两个DLC也是无聊到极致,强烈建议速通本体主线就删游戏,这样你还能对这游戏保留一些好的印象。 18 有用 坤坤黑粉 2022年10月26日 广东 PC 沈威比小强还命硬,...
你是臥底警察Wei Shen,而你的任務是從內部瓦解惡名昭彰的三合會。『DEFINITIVE EDITION』是獲獎肯定的開放世界動作冒險遊戲『SLEEPING DOGS』的PlayStation®4重製版。遊戲收錄了先前所有的內容以及大量更新,力求呈現香港前所未見的生命力。 Copyright: SLEEPING DOG
Let sleeping dogs lie. - Square Enix are at it again with their "definitive" release of a previous generation title, this time bringing United Front’s open...
This is the dilemma thatSleeping Dogs, in its worst, buggiest moments, poses. TheDefinitive EditionofSleeping Dogsshould have provided players with the opportunity to race through the four districts of its virtual Hong Kong with a smoother framerate and cleaned-up textures. Not an overly-ambitious...
缺点: 1. 没有中文版,不过还好可以在3DM上下载汉化补丁,汉化质量勉强过关。 2. 即使你混成了红棍仍然只能单打独斗而不能带着小弟,有些不真实,不过话又说回来一个香港超人要什么小弟? 3. 没有办法保存武器,警察等级没升满之前的大部分时间都只能空着手然后等着在任务中获取现成的。 4. 斗鸡连输8次的我表...
If you missed Sleeping Dogs on past consoles and are looking for something to bridge the gap until Sleeping Dogs true sequel “Triad Wars” arrives, then maybe this one is worth a look. Overall, it remains a good game play experience. Otherwise, the poor visual performance negat...
Read reviews and ratings of Sleeping Dogs from our experts, and see what our community says, too!
The city does look better when compared to the old consoles, but it still cannot hold a candle to the smooth frame rates of the PC version. Which leads us to the next issue, price. Sleeping Dogs is an older title, and this new Definitive Edition is running full price on XB1 and PS4...