In the 1959 Disney classic Sleeping Beauty, Princess Aurora, also known as Briar Rose, is the only daughter of King Stefan and Queen Leah. An evil fairy named Maleficent curses the princess as a baby, to die on her 16th birthday by pricking her finger on
We are going through pink detox here at the Boneau house. We had Clare’s VERY PINK and VERY FUN 4th birthday party this past weekend. She told us she wanted a Sleeping Beauty party so we mixed up a little “princess” with a bit “sleepover” and a bit “Beauty parlor.” Click ...
Beauty trends also mimic what’s happening in the fashion world. We’ve seen Y2k style moments be rehashed (welcome back, butterfly tops and midi skirts), and with that, the makeup scene has followed suit. Frosted eyeshadow is on our holiday makeup mood board and the revival of the lip...