Sleeping At Last - Snow
Ryan和朋友逛书店,拿起一本诗集,他说,我翻到的那一首诗的名字就是我以后乐队的名字,于是有了乐队名Sleeping at Last;比如说,歌曲里总有一些Ryan记录的声音,比如他女儿的笑声、潜艇的声呐声,或是他朋友给他发来的下雨声、煎饼声等等;再比如说,为了给《Oceans》谱曲,他一遍又一遍观察水波纹,于是,你听到...
Unmade Sleeping at Last 46 作曲: O Neal Ryan Curtis when we were young当我们还很年轻时 our words were innocent -语言是那般天真无邪 whiter than snow,皎白如雪 awkward and slow.笨拙却不紧不慢 now when we speak,现在的我们,谈起话来 we risk an avalanche.却随时有雪崩的危险 but that's not ...
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas圣诞的气氛越来越浓 Everywhere you go四处走走 There's a tree in the Grand Hotel豪华旅馆装点着雪松 One in the park as well公园里同样不少 The sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow它高大挺拔 无惧风雪 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
在Apple Music 上收听Sleeping At Last的《Yearbook (Ten Year Anniversary)》。2021年。39 首歌曲。时长:2 小时 20 分钟
Turning Page (翻页) - Sleeping At Last I've waited a hundred years But I'd wait a million more for you Nothing prepared me for What the privilege of being yours would do If I had only felt the warmth within your touch If I had only seen how you smile when you blush ...
Right as rain soft as snow It grows and grows and grows Our home sweet home We'll try to document this light With cameras to our eyes In an effort to remember What being mended feels like We're home sweet h 查看歌词 04:08 收藏 ...
At last, they got to the castle. 终于,他们来到了城堡门前。 The prince pushed the door open. 王子推开门。 They went inside the castle. 他们走进城堡。 Everyone was fast asleep. 里面的人都沉沉地睡着, There was dust on everything.
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