sleeping car 卧铺车 | 卧车 | 寝车 | 我们可能会在卧车 While You Were Sleeping 我的酒鬼女友 | 再见钟情 | 当你沉睡时 Sleeping Venus 沉睡的维纳斯 | 睡着的维纳斯女神 Sleeping Pills 安眠药 | 安眠药片 | 吃安眠药 | 安息药 The Sleeping Beauty 睡美人 | 睡美人城堡 | 睡佳丽古堡 | 睡公主...
The sleeping bags can zip together.(这些睡袋是用拉链封严的。) I came across children sleeping under bridges.(我偶然发现睡在桥下的孩子。) On the top floor we have sleeping quarters for women and children.(在顶楼我们有供妇女和孩子睡觉的地方。) She wasn't sleeping.(她不是在睡觉。) ...
The meaning of SLEEP is the natural, easily reversible periodic state of many living things that is marked by the absence of wakefulness and by the loss of consciousness of one's surroundings, is accompanied by a typical body posture (such as lying down
sleeping potion n. (=sleeping draught)安眠药, 催眠剂 sleeping powder n. 安眠药粉 sleeping beauty n.[植]睡美人,白花酢浆草 sleeping commission 未经手佣金出口商在进口地虽设有代理人(*agent)独家代理货物的销售,但有时基于特殊原因(例如进口国规定公营事业对外采购不得经由代理商或顾客在卖方所在地采...
sleeping adj (asleep) SC 睡着的 shuì zháo de TC 睡著的 Charles let himself into the house quietly, so as not to wake the sleeping children. 查尔斯悄悄摸进房子里,免得吵醒睡着了的孩子们。 sleeping n (unconsciousness) SC 睡觉shuì jiào SC 睡眠shuì jiào ,shuì mián TC 睡眠 In a state...
Sleeping是最初是动词sleep的现在分词,后来也成为形容词。其语义与asleep接近,但现在分词的正在进行中的蕴意比较强,比如Sleeping Beauty是正在睡眠中的美人。可以用作定语sleeping bag, sleeping car, sleeping hours, sleeping pill, sleeping policeman, sleeping room。用作定语时,此sleep为附加性质(非内源性的;...
"Elizabeth is only sleeping, and I will see her again," her father Jason Struhs had earlier told the court. FromBBC She now suffers from anxiety and insomnia, and is on high-dose sleeping medication. FromBBC While he still has symptoms of a possible concussion, including a headache and di...
slept、sleep、sleeping的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、词性不同。一、意思不同 1、slept:睡,睡觉,入睡,可供?睡觉,可供?住宿。2、sleep:睡觉,睡眠,睡眠时间,一觉。3、sleeping:同住宿有关的,睡觉的。二、用法不同 1、slept:多指人安详地或长时间地睡。普通用词,指一般的睡眠。可用作...
解析 sleepy是形容词,意思是:困倦的,想睡的.asleep是形容词,是表语形容词,只能做表语,意思是:睡着的.例如:He is asleep now.sleeping是形容词,意思是:睡着的,不一定用做标语,可以用做定语,另外它还是个动名词.fall asleep是动词词组,表示睡着了.例如:He has fallen asleep.sleep是动词,意思是睡觉....