This may reflect that enuretic children have impaired sleep–wake cycles, leading to dysregulation of daily functional changes of bladder capacity and related hormones such as ADH. These findings might imply a sleep–wake disturbance in enuresis....
Xiangpu added, "Our study suggests that night-time aircraft noise was associated with more restless sleep and disrupted sleep-wake cycles, suggestive of a link between night-time aircraft noise exposure and sleep disturbance. Poorer sleep patterns, as measured by actimetry, have been associated wi...
These findings might imply a sleep–wake disturbance in enuresis.Keywords: Biological rhythm, enuresis, circadian preferences, sleep–wake cycle,FıratMedicalErdoğanMedicalMuhammedMedicalTayyibMedicalKadakMedicalYavuzMedicalSelviMedicalVuralMedical...
including maintenance of regular sleep-wake cycles. Accumulating research has suggested that over half of individuals with MS report significant disruptions in sleep and difficulty maintaining a consistent sleep schedule. Sleep disturbance is further complicated by fatigue, which affects ...
(1) When your body moves through all of these stages throughout the night repeatedly, those are calledsleep cycles. These cycles usually last about 90 minutes, and most people go through four to six cycles each night. (1) Night after night, we go through the same sleep-wake cycle, ...
Assessment of chronotype variation in participants exposed to extreme photoperiods may be useful to investigate how changes in light–dark cycle modulate the circadian system. This study aimed to examine chronotype and sleep changes during a winter campaign at the Argentine Antarctic station Belgrano II...
A sleep disturbance can be categorized as either sleep disorders or sleep deficiency problems. Sleep disorders are health conditions that prevent you from getting restful sleep and disrupt your sleep-wake cycle. Sleep deficiency problems may be more short-term and are often based on the conditions ...
our rat model may be attributable to species differences in the susceptibility to sleep disturbance or metabolic disease57,58 or to the difference in light phase duration since the Swiss Webster mouse model utilized a 16:818 or 14:1024,25 L:Dim cycle whereas we used a 12:12 L:Dim cycle....
Any lesion, such as an acute stroke, which directly affects these areas, has the potential to disrupt the sleep-wake cycle and lead to sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbance caused by SA might be associated with adverse health outcomes including obesity, metabolic disorders, hypertension, anxiety, ...
s known as a sleep cycle. Onesleep cyclelasts about 90 minutes, and people typically go through four to six cycles each night. (35) Day after day, night after night, we move through this sleep-wake cycle, and it’s all regulated by ourcircadian rhythm, also known as our internal ...