In this study we used four different data sources with a variety of devices and populations to showcase the performance of our proposed method. Table1summarizes the types of wearable devices and ground truth used in each one of the studies. We describe the detailed data processing used in each...
In the present study, we also explored the associations between sleep duration and several well–known cardio-metabolic risk factors. We replicated the finding that short sleep duration is negatively correlated with obesity-related anthropometric measurements3, however, we did not find significant relatio...
Footnote1*The sleep study is based on a minimum of 2 hours of continuous recorded sleep or shorter periods of continuous recorded sleep if the total number of recorded events during that shorter period is at least the number of events that would have been required in a 2-hour period. If t...
Author Contributions: Dr Owen had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Study concept and design: Chaudhry, Rudnicka, Owen. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All authors. Draft...
Reports on a study at Stanford University's Sleep Disorders Center which shows that insomniacs' deep-seated fears of the dark went all the way back to vivid childhood nightmares. Role of fear of the dark in childhood-onset insomnia; Tips for insomniacs who still harbor their childhood fear ...
The funding agency has/had no role in the design, collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of data; the writing of the manuscript; or the decision to submit the study protocol for publication. The funding agency has no ultimate authority over any of these activities. Additionally, ...
Accurate measurement of habitual sleep duration (HSD) is crucial for understanding the relationship between sleep and health. This study aimed to assess the bias and agreement limits between two commonly used short HSD self-report methods, considering sleep quality (SQ) and social jetlag (SJL) as...
Shift work is associated with impaired alertness and performance due to sleep loss and circadian misalignment. This study examined sleep between shift types (day, evening, night), and alertness and performance during day and night shifts in 52 intensive
of support for either hypothesis, rather than using a single point estimate to reject the null53. A higher, positive Bayes factor provides stronger support for the alternative hypothesis, while a higher negative factor provides stronger support for the null hypothesis. Interpretation of Bayes factor ...
These observations do also fit with our interpretation of the present data, i.e. that the NSM patients may be hypoaroused and suffer from (relative) sleep deprivation. Moreover, there were negative correlations between N3 sleep and PPT and between KD-bursts and TPT among the NSM patients. ...