Aetna considers pharyngeal and lingual tonsillectomy medically necessary as an isolated procedure in adult OSA where hypertrophied tonsils compromise the airway space. A tonsillectomy is also considered medically necessary with UPPP in members who meet medical necessity criteria for UPPP below. An adenoidec...
UPPP, or UP3.This procedure takes out soft tissue in the back of your throat and palate, making your airway wider at your throat opening. (UPPP stands for uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.) Nasal surgery. These operations correct obstructions in your nose, such as a deviated septum (when the wa...
This study proposed a DL algorithm for estimating the AHI from the oximetry time series and diagnose OSA. The DL OxiNet model outperformed the baseline models in all test databases (Fig. 2). Overall, this large retrospective multicenter study strongly supports the feasibility of single channel oxi...
Procedure for unblinding if needed {17b} Participant-level code breaks will only occur in emergency circumstances, where the knowledge of the group assignment is judged to be clinically essential for the management of the individual. However, the risk of this situation occurring is considered to ...
An alpha = 0.05 will be used for each primary hypothesis. The Benjamini–Hochberg procedure [145] will be used to correct for multiple testing for confirmatory analyses on the primary outcomes (i.e., PROMIS-SD, SDS, SWLS). Statistical methods for primary and secondary outcomes {20a} ...
The procedure of resting-state EEG study of sleep deprivation. NS: Normal Sleep, SD: Sleep Deprivation, PVT: Psychomotor Vigilance Task, PANAS: Positive and Negative Affect Scale, ATQ: Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire, SAI: State Anxiety Inventory, SSS: Stanford Sleepiness Scale, KSS: Karolinska Sl...
Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT) is a facility based study that is used to measure the ability to stay awake and alert. The procedure protocol is similar to that of the MSLT, with the exception that an individual is given four nap trials, each trial consisting of a forty minute sessio...
We, thus, set out to study the role of microglia P2Y12–Gisignaling in regulating sleep. UsingTmem119-CreERT2mice for microglia-specific imaging and manipulation, we found that microglia P2Y12–Giactivation promoted sleep through a mechanism that depended on their intracellular Ca2+signaling. Micro...
When it comes to the measurement of sleep, polysomnography (PSG) is the gold standard sleep study procedure that simultaneously monitors the electroencephalogram (EEG), electro-oculogram (EOG), electromyogram (EMG), electrocardiogram (ECG), and pulse oximetry, as well as airflow and respiratory ...
2.6. Procedure The study procedure is summarised inFigure 2. Participants initially attended the sleep laboratory to provide informed consent and be confirmed as a good sleeper by a member of the research team, by examining their sleep, psychiatric and physical illness history. ...