PM devices measure fewer parameters than a laboratory based sleep study and are therefore not recommended for assessment of sleep disorder in the pediatric population. Unattended home PSG in children was evaluated by 1 center (Jacob, 1995) and produced similar results to laboratory studies; however,...
Nineteen residents were included in the study. The median age was 27±1.89 and 15 were male. The mean hours of sleeping at home was 6.5 (range 6–8) and after on call duty was 1.5 (range 0.5–3). Statistical difference were found in CPT 2 test en terms of correct answers (p=0.007...
Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT) is a facility based study that is used to measure the ability to stay awake and alert. The procedure protocol is similar to that of the MSLT, with the exception that an individual is given four nap trials, each trial consisting of a forty minute sessio...
Why I Opened a Home Sleep Test-Only Private Practice Joint Dental Sleep Medicine and Craniofacial Pain Practice Thrives: Mayoor Patel, DDS, MS Grants Researcher Awarded Grant to Explore Sleep as a Key to Alzheimer’s Resilience Grant Fuels Sleep Program for Children with Autism ...
until the sensations become intolerable. To create an analgesia index as the primary outcome, based upon a previous study9, a change score of hand withdrawal latency (HWL) was computed by subtracting CPT1 (time point 1—prior to drug administration) from CPT2 (time point 2–40-min post dru...
Total sleep time data on nights when a pill (either zolpidem or placebo) was taken or not taken during an 8-week study are shown in Figure 63-2. Importantly, an examination of sleep on nights when no drug was taken immediately after a zolpidem night indicated no evidence of rebound ...
Sleep is thought to be restorative to brain energy homeostasis, but it is not clear how this is achieved. We show here that Drosophila glia exhibit a daily cycle of glial mitochondrial oxidation and lipid accumulation that is dependent on prior wake and OPEN The interrelated effect of sleep and learning in dogs (Canis familiaris); an EEG and behavioural study received: 13 October 2016 accepted: 30 December 2016 Published: 06 February 2017 Anna Kis1, Sára Szakadát2, Márta Gácsi3,4, Enikő Kovács...
or for whom CPAP or AutoPAP is ineffective. Ineffective is defined as documented failure to meet therapeutic goals using CPAP or AutoPAP during the titration portion of a facility-based study or during home use despite optimal therapy (i.e., proper mask selection and fitting and appropriate pre...
A new study in the March 1 issue of the journal Sleep indicates that the ability of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to remain vigilant and attentive deteriorated significantly after losing less than one hour of nightly sleep for a