If this is not possible, a second night in the sleep center may be necessary for the CPAP titration study.It should be noted that interpretation of NPSG values in children with OSAS is not unanimously agreed upon in the literature (Sargi and Younis, 2007) and only a limited number of ...
Footnote1*The sleep study is based on a minimum of 2 hours of continuous recorded sleep or shorter periods of continuous recorded sleep if the total number of recorded events during that shorter period is at least the number of events that would have been required in a 2-hour period. If t...
Um YH, Kim TW, Jeong JH, et al. A longitudinal follow-up study on multiple sleep latency test and body mass index of patients with narcolepsy type 1 in Korea. J Clin Sleep Med. 2017;13(12):1441-1444. Wise MS. Objective measures of sleepiness and wakefulness: Application to the real ...