PDAC Contractor Approves HCPCS Code for GoodSleepCo Oral Appliance SleepImage Awards Grants to Tackle Global Sleep Health Disparities NIH to Fund $747K Study on Link Between Sleep and Brain Health NIH Funds Study to Monitor Infant Sleep Patterns and Health Using Wearable Tech ...
Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) is a facility based study that is used to measure levels of daytime sleepiness. The results of the study are primarily used to confirm the suspected diagnosis of narcolepsy. The multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) involves multiple trials during a day to object...
P.R.H. designed the study, performed experiments, analyzed/interpreted data and wrote the manuscript with the guidance of A.S. and the other authors. E.S.P. helped conduct and analyze revisions, experiments and writing. Y.L. helped conduct, troubleshoot and analyze lipid droplet experiments....
In the present study, we report the effects of sleep deprivation and recovery period on the rat cortical synaptic proteome. The synaptic proteome signature of SD and RP revealed an opposing trend in protein expression changes. The abundance of synaptic proteins has changed to a greater extent in ...
Saint Pete MRI performs diagnostic imaging and sleep studies in St. Petersburg, Florida. High-field MRI, open MRI, DTI, NeuroQuant, CT scans, echocardiogram, ultrasound, x-ray, sleep studies, PSG, MSLT, CPAP titration, split-night study and more. No insu