The article presents several reports related to snoring and sleep disturbances as of April 27, 2006. One study in Cincinnati, Ohio found that among 681 children assessed for snoring, 15% snored habitually and there was a significant association between habitual snoring and atopy, African-American ...
And so I opened the first center with longer appointment times, specializing in gynecology, menopause, and sexual health care in Cincinnati, Ohio, which is not known for medical tourism. And we witnessed women from 35 states and three countries accessing our care model. And so then that is w...
If that sounds like far-fetched fantasy, consider these interesting findings that have emerged from eight years of sleep and dream research at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio: While sleep affects how sleepy, friendly, aggressive, and unhappy we feel after awakening, feelings...
He performed his residency in Internal Medicine at St. Luke's Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio. He went on to specialize in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Cincinnati. He has been providing services in this area since 2000. ...
Dr. Robert Krikorian of the University of Cincinnati "has shown that older adults with memory declines, but not dementia, had significant improvements in several measures of cognitive function when supplemented with 12 ounces of Concord grape juice a day for 12 weeks compared with the placebo. ...
of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Departmnt of P e d i a t r i c s , Cincinnati, Ohio. The i n f l u e n c e of a r a p i d infuaion of hypertonic NaHC03 on blood gases and o a w l a l i t y was s t u d i e d i n 7 newborn dogs 11-26 days o f...
1354 THE RELATIVE EFFICACY OF AN INCUBATOR AND AN OPEN WARMER IN PRODUCING THERMONEUTRALIT'i IN SMALL PREMATURES, Michael H, LeBlanc (Spon, by Paul H, Perlstein) U, of Cincinnati Coll of Med Dept, Peds, Other studies comparing oxygen consumption (V02) in open radiant warmers (RW) and ...
He is on the current Publications Task Force, and was recently appointed to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Addictive Diseases. Dr. Goldsmith is a founding member of American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, and is on the board of the Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute in Ohio....
"Many heart failure patients suffer from centralsleep apnea, which a number of studies have shown increases mortality in these patients," said Shahrokh Javaheri, MD, professor emeritus of medicine at the University of Cincinnati and medical director of Sleepcare Diagnostics in Mason, Ohio. ...
James L.PeughDivision of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.Andrew D.HersheyPediatric Pain Research Center, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.Scott W.Powers...