If you find yourself having trouble falling and staying asleep on a regular basis (more than a week or two), contact your primary care provider and get a referral to a sleep specialist. Take Home Message Here’s the take home message: Ask yourself when you wake up, “Do I feel refreshe...
Military providers screen for mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders prior to referral to a sleep specialist [109]. The causes for patients presenting with transient or short-term insomnia are more easily identified than patients with chronic insomnia. A service member may experience insomnia at...
On the other hand, the Nagahama City Hospital is the only hospital with a sleep specialist on staff (part-time) in Nagahama City (116,000 inhabitants, the third-largest city in the prefecture). The physician in charge of new patients with OSA at the university hospital is also in charge ...
The differences compared to KANOPEE were the absence of a virtual companion administering the questionnaire, the absence of personalized recommendations, and no referral to a specialist if complaints persisted after two weeks of use. The potential bias induced by non-randomization was minimized as ...
Military providers screen for mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders prior to referral to a sleep specialist [109]. The causes for patients presenting with transient or short-term insomnia are more easily identified than patients with chronic insomnia. A service member may experience insomnia at...