In addition, the objec- tive-subjective incongruences could also be related to differ- ences introduced by retrospective and prospective collection of sleep measures. Clinically, parents of children with ADHD complain of hyperactive and oppositional behaviors that occur throughout the day and into ...
which aligns with Yang et al. (2022), who found that women reported more sleep problems than men [46]. Estrogen deficiency, heightened sensitivity to stressors (e.g., the passing of family and friends, caregiving), fewer social and economic resources, reduced leisure-related physical activity,...
Insomnia and other sleep complaints are highly prevalent in community-dwelling older adults yet often go under detected. Age-related physiological changes
Next, we investigated whether differences in low-SWA measured under the hotspot-electrode (Fig. 5a) between the STIM and NOSTIM sessions (expressed as SWA ratio ¼ SWAhotspot STIM/ SWAhotspot NOSTIM, Fig. 5d) were related to the degree of overnight changes in either motor variability or ...
Parental ratings of poor sleep have been associated with early onset of substance use and substance-related problems during adolescence and young adulthood. Children of alcohol-dependent parents have an increased risk for depression as well as substance-related problems. We conducted the current study ...
Although obtaining vitamins naturally from a balanced diet is ideal, there are situations where supplementation may become necessary, especially if deficiencies are clinically detected such as those related to the grade of OSAS [12]. However, it’s important to proceed with caution; over-supplementati...
We hypothesize that, compared to UC-DT, TranS-C (combined Adapted and Standard) will be associated with larger reductions in the primary patient outcome of sleep disturbance and the secondary patient outcomes of sleep-related impairment, functional impairment, and psychiatric symptoms. We also ...
Wells et al. also found subtleties related to the type of sleep dimension or disorder and the substantiated status of the CSA in their sample of boys [57]. In their highly traumatized CPS sample, Wamser-Nanney & Chesher, contrary to Langevin et al. [21], did not find a unique effect ...
a recent population-based study demonstrated that males with chronic pain were at higher risk than females in progressing to high-dose opioid therapy36. It is also important to note that in many circumstances such as cancer-related pain and palliative care, high dose opioids are important necessar...
First, the algorithm related parameters that include the regularization parameters \({\lambda }_{0}\), \({\lambda }_{1},\) \({\lambda }_{2}\), and the Lagrangian step size \(\mu \). The two regularization parameters \({\lambda }_{0}\) and \({\lambda }_{1}\) are fixed ...