Do sleep problems or urinary incontinence predict falls in elderly women? Aust J Physiother 2006; 52:19-24.Teo JS, Briffa NK, Devine A, Dhaliwal SS, Prince RL. Do sleep problems or urinary incontinence predict falls in elderly women? Aust J Physiother 2006; 52(1): 19-24....
For the more than half of all Americans over age 59 who complain about not being able to fall asleep easily, the answer may rest with a 2,000 year old Chinese series of movements.
The aim of this study is to compare the sleep problems of the eldery. Researh group included 307 people of age 60 and older people (approximately 69,7 years old). To do the research a special written questionnaire was used. The research showed, that in the eldery women are the ones ...
Studies show that sleep quality varies by gender and age [12,21]. Our study failed to confirm the dependence on gender. It can be assumed that this is related to the increase in the total prevalence of sleep problems (women 74%, men 71.5%). The more frequent occurrence of sleep disorder...
Sleep Problems in Elderly Women Caregivers Depend on the Level of Depressive Symptoms: Results of the Caregiver–Study of Osteoporotic Fractures OBJECTIVES: To determine whether depressive symptoms modify the association between caregiving and sleep problems in elderly women. J Kochar,L Fredman,KL Stone...
(as measured by the AUDIT-C scale) was also associated with worse sleep profiles. Findings for women were not so clear. In this population based setting, drinking high volumes of alcohol may contribute to the prevalence of sleep problems in older age, particularly for men. People in this ...
The small differences in sleep duration and sleep-wake timing between workdays and free days among elderly individuals (ie, those aged ≥75 years) could be because most older adults did not work. Consistent with previous study, substantially higher prevalence of short sleep duration on workdays,...
Prevalence of sleep problems and pain among the elderly in Sweden. J Nutr Health Aging 2012;16:1803.Lindstrom V, Andersson K, Lintrup M, Holst G, Berglund J. Prevalence of sleep problems and pain among the elderly in Sweden. J Nutr Health Aging. 2012; 16(2): 180-3....
have sleep problems, but those studies have mostly been done on severely demented people in nursing homes,” observes Yaffe. “Ours was the first study to look at the relationship between sleep and cognition in healthy women dwelling in the community who did not have dementia to begin with.”...
Successful behavioral treatment for reported sleep problems in elderly caregivers of dementia patients: a controlled study. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 1998;53:2. 59. Simpson C, Carter PA. Pilot study of a brief behavioral sleep intervention for caregivers of individuals with dementia. Res...