After an outpouring of love and support that led to encore upon encore, Sleep No More celebrated its final performance on January 5, 2025. May we “meet again” in Manderley in our dreams, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow… Reviews All the rave “Grade: A.”“Wickedly wonderful. A uniqu...
注意这个剧之所以经典,因为真的演出不设限,各种大尺度、震撼的场景,颠覆你的认知,演员就在你的面前裸露自己,只有在纽约才能感受原汁原味的呈现。 明年1月28日,将是Sleep No More的最终场,到时也是第5000场演出,之后纽约将再无不眠之夜! 【本文由纽约潮爆编辑整理,资料来源自secretNYC,不代表本公众号立场,图源网...
♟今天回NYC去刷了神剧Sleep No More上海也有上映诶地址在Mckinnon Hotel剧情改编自《麦克白》且是一种奇特的浸没式戏剧体验 emm..全程都要带着面具跟着不同的演员跑 会看到不同的剧情线 由于没有提前做功课和平时锻炼不够 导致我全程懵住 经常把演员跟丢( ̀⌄ ́) 希望下次二刷可以刷明白:)btw ......
在准备nyc旅行的时候,就有个同学跟我说去nyc一定要看一场演出;另外一个同学推荐Sleep No More这个show。我查了下维基百科和其他网站上的评论,觉得这个演出的确值得一看。 Sleep No More是一个非常依赖场馆的演出。剧组把一幢大楼变作一个大舞台,演员在楼层和房间之间穿梭;没有固定的观众席——你站在哪里哪里就是...
The McKittrick Hotel has closed its doors, but the magic lives on through Life And Trust, Speakeasy Magick, and more. Discover your next unforgettable adventure.
The McKittrick Hotel has closed its doors, but the magic lives on through Life And Trust, Speakeasy Magick, and more. Discover your next unforgettable adventure.
Guggenheim 博物馆与Sleep No More NYC û收藏 1 34 ñ98 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 职场畅销书《快乐小V的水晶骰子》作者,职场专栏作者。 4 毕业于 首都经济贸易大学 查看更多 a 642关注 35.2万粉丝 15719微博 微关系 她的关注...
NEW YORK - They were hooked: The moment singer-songwriter JimJames and his bandmates from My...Kennedy, Mark
Discover The McKittrick Hotel, a one-of-a-kind destination in New York City that offers an unforgettable immersive experience. Explore our unique events and shows, dine in our acclaimed restaurants. Book now !!
The McKittrick Hotel has closed its doors, but the magic lives on through Life And Trust, Speakeasy Magick, and more. Discover your next unforgettable adventure.