4. stop mode实验 使用PC13驱动LED D2亮灭提示程序正在运行,PA0外部中断唤醒MCU。 实验代码: void pwr_key_init(void) { GPIO_InitTypeDef gpio_init_struct; __HAL_RCC_GPIOA_CLK_ENABLE(); gpio_init_struct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_0; gpio_init_struct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_IT_FALLING; /* 中断,下降沿 */...
STM32学习笔记---SleepModeSTM32 —— STM32的3种低功耗模式: 1、睡眠模式 __WFI();__WFE(); 外部中断设置为中断模式时,__WFI()和__WFE()都能被中断唤醒; 外部中断设置为事件模式时,只能唤醒__WFE();用事件唤醒时会唤醒2次,未找到原因(因按键性能不良,抖动严重);另外事件产生时不会置位标志位,不...
Solved: Hi. I am using STM32L010C6Tx. I want my microprocessor to sleep for 10 seconds after processing. I want to use Sleep Mode. I don't have
因为GPIO口作为触发源使用,所以将GPIO口配置成输入模式,触发模式有以下几种: a.GPIO_Mode_AIN ,模拟输入(ADC模拟输入,或者低功耗下省电) b.GPIO_Mode_IN_FLOATING ,浮空输入 带下拉输入 d.GPIO_Mode_IPU ,带上拉输入 GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;//定义结构体 RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_...
For some reason when compiling on Win10, STM32 doesn't go to sleep but does when compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Logical conclusion is something with the toolchain. /* TimedWakeup This sketch demonstrates the usage of Internal Interrupts to wakeup a chip in deep sleep mode. In this sketch,...
RTC Wakeup does not wakeup system from sleep mode STM32L431? Hello, I'm using RTC Wakeup to periodically kick WDG while system is in a sleep mode. I have setup RTC wakeup as following: /* RTC init function */ void MX_RTC_Init(void)...
KernelMode, MmNonCached, (PVOID)0x00000000, TRUE, NormalPagePriority) == (PVOID)0xbaadf00d) VCPU_DEBUG_RAW("We succeeded\n");elseVCPU_DEBUG_RAW("we failed\n");sleep_ms(2000);/* Trigger #VE */structpage_hook_info*phi=ksm_find_hook(m);u8 *r = (u8 *)(uintptr_t)MmMapLocked...
STM32按键控制LED亮灭的代码 led.c #include"led.h"voidLED_Config(void){ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct; RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB, ENABLE); GPIO_InitStruct.GPIO_Mode=GPIO_Mode_Out_PP; GPIO_InitStruct.GPIO_Pin=GPIO_Pin_0;...
The following code runs the microcontroller normally for 1 second and then sleeps 5 seconds in standby mode. When RTC alarm triggers, the device is reset and the sketch runs again from the beginning. #include <STM32Sleep.h> #include <RTClock.h> RTClock rt(RTCSEL_LSE); long int alarmDe...
查看详情 STM32F334C6T6 集成电路(IC) ST/意法 封装QFP-48 ¥0.653 查看详情 STM32F302VBT6 集成电路(IC) ST/意法 封装QFP-100 ¥0.42 查看详情 USB5744-I/2G MICROCHIP/微芯 QFN56 支持深圳交易,需要来谈 ¥0.511 查看详情 BD450M5FP-CE2 ROHM/罗姆 TO-252-3 快至1小时发货 ¥0.431 查看详情...