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Sleep is a command used in shell scripting to introduce a delay or pause in the execution of a script. It allows the script to halt for a specified amount of time before continuing with the next instruction. In this article, we will explorethe usage and functionality of the sleep command ...
Introduction to Shell Script Sleep Just a small analogy before we set our flag to learn the feature, for us humans or any other living creature sleep is an important attribute in the efficient functioning of the body. Similarly, in the software world, not only in shell scripting, but even ...
Ansible使用sh -c 'echo ~ec2-user && sleep 0'启动每个任务。此外,它在每个远程命令的末尾使用它。
It is possible to assign a variable to specify thesleepcommand duration. To do that, create an exampleshell script. Take the following steps: 1. Use atext editorlikeVimto create a new script file. For example, type the following command: ...
Using Sleep to Pause Execution of a Script You can use thesleepcommand in shell scripts to pause execution of the script for a precise amount of time. Typically, you'd do this to allow some process sufficient time to complete before the script continues its processing. You can also use it...
while! pgrep nginx;doecho"Nginx is not running. Checking again in 10 seconds..."sleep10doneecho"Nginx is running." 示例3:调试脚本时暂停执行 在脚本中某个点添加sleep命令,以便在脚本执行到该点时暂停,手动检查系统状态或变量值。 echo"Script is running. Pausing for 15 seconds for debugging..."sl...
shell循环控制sleep、continue、break 大家好,又见面了,我是你们的朋友全栈君。 循环控制语句 sleep N 脚本执行到该步休眠N秒 continue跳过循环中的某次循环 break跳出循环继续执行后续代码 首先,要明确“break”与“continue”的区别: break:在for循环使用break,则跳出这个循环,循环命令结束 continue: 使用后,在当前...