sleep cycle安卓版利用智能闹钟“睡眠周期”,放松,睡得更好,醒来后精力充沛。用这个应用程序跟踪从睡前到早晨的睡眠,获取详细分析,早晨醒来变得更加轻松。 sleepcycle官网手机mod版特色 1. 轻柔的唤醒使您睡得更好 - “睡眠周期”的闹钟在您轻度睡眠时将您唤醒,是开始一天生活的自然方式。 2. 睡前放松,轻松追踪睡...
Hourglass is a Minecraft Forge mod that gives you control over the passage of time. It allows you to customize the length of the day-night cycle and alters the Minecraft sleep mechanic by accelerating the speed of time. - DuckyCrayfish/hourglass
Lower amplitude of the rest-activity cycle in delayed subjects may reflect lifestyle differences compared to control participants.doi:10.2147/NSS.S251743Christophe ModerieSolenne Van der MarenJean PaquetMarie DumontNature and Science of Sleep
Sleep Cycle: Sleep Tracker Mod Apk: With Sleep Cycle, the smart alarm clock that helps you sleep more and feel rested every morning, you can relax. The
Sleep Cycle App 是一款可以追蹤你從睡前到睡醒中間過程的睡眠分析工具,這款應用讓你用手機就能了解自己睡覺的狀況,對於有失眠問題的人,也可以有效的解決睡眠障礙,讓你透過簡單的管理即可得到相關的睡覺資訊,進而改善睡眠品質。 應用簡介 英文名稱: Sleep Cycle ...
Sleepzy: Sleep Cycle Tracker Mod Apk Subscribed: Our new Sleepzy app allows you to dig deep into your sleep and improve the quality of your sleep.
Download APK Sleep Cycle: Sleep Tracker for Android: Relieve stress, sleep better and wake up rested. Sleep Cycle is your personal sleep tracker and smart alarm clock with a range of features (incl. snor...
Download APK Sleep Cycle: Sleep Tracker 2.0.1863.release for Android: Relieve stress, sleep better and wake up rested. Sleep Cycle is your personal sleep tracker and smart alarm clock with a range of features (incl. snor...
Sleep as Android Mod APK latest version download for free for Android. Smart alarm clock with sleep cycle tracking. Wakes you gently in optimal moment for pleasant mornings. Sleep as Android Features: –Sleep cycle tracking with smart wake up uses your phone’s or wearable sensors (2 weeks tr...
It can monitor some physiological parameters, such as heart rate, respiratory rate, turn over, and sleep cycle in real time. Then, the sleep quality data can be obtained from the software of Sleepace. Ten key objective evaluation indices, including sleep latency, actual sleep time, total sleep...