Different Uses of the “Sleep” Command Example 1: Using the “Sleep” Command with the Integer Value Create a Bash file with the following script that prints the number from 1 to 5 with 2 seconds intervals using the “sleep” command. An infinite for loop is used to print the $counter ...
$ time bash sleep1.sh Output: Example-2: sleep command with a minute suffix In the following script, ‘m‘ is used as the suffix with sleep command. Here, the time value is 0.05 minutes. After waiting 0.05 minutes, “Task completed” message will be printed. #!/bin/bash echo "Waiting...
以下是一个示例:```bashcommand1 ; sleep 2 ; command2 ; sleep 3 ; command3```在这个示例中,`command1`将第一个命令执行完成后,等待2秒然后执行`command2`,然后等待3秒再执行`command3`。### 结合循环使用Sleep命令还可以与循环结合使用,以创建更复杂的时间延迟。以下是一个示例:```bashfor i in {...
The following example illustrates the use of thesleepcommand in a script that checks whether a website is online. The script continuously attempts topingthe website, and if the ping is successful, it stops. If the ping fails, the script waits 10 seconds before trying again. To accomplish th...
Sleep is a command-line utility that allows you to suspends the calling process for a specified time. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the Linux sleep command.
Using Linux Sleep Command in Bash Scripts Linux sleep command is one of the simplest commands out there. As you can guess from the name, its only function is to sleep. In other words, it introduces a delay for a specified time.
First,sleep infandsleep infinityare the same command.It creates an infinite sleep duration within a script: #!/bin/bash echo "Script will now sleep indefinitely until interrupted." sleep inf We can run such a script in the foreground and kill it withCTRL+C, or we can run it in the bac...
#!/bin/bash echo "Starting the script..." usleep 5000000 # 暂停 5 秒(5000000 微秒) echo "Finished sleeping for 5 seconds." 参考链接 Bash sleep Command Linux Sleep Command 希望这些信息对你有所帮助!如果你有其他问题,请随时提问。 相关搜索: linux下的sleep linux下sleep 的用法 linux下qt中sleep...
For example, the following script executes a command every 0.5 seconds: shell #!/bin/bash while true do # Perform the desiredaction here echo "Executing command..." sleep 0.5 done In this script, the loop runs indefinitely using "true" as the condition, and the sleep command is set to ...
/bin/bash while [ 1 ] do clear tput cup 5 30 date '+%r' sleep 1 done In this script, we have used thetputcommand to place the cursor at the5throw and30thcolumn. Now, let’s run the script and see the result: $ chmod +x digital-clock.sh...