I am traveling through airport security for the first time since getting my Inspire® implant. What should I tell the airport security agent? Still have questions? Contact us. If you are an Inspire therapy patient with questions or concerns, need a patient ID card or replacement remote, cont...
Inspire therapy experience for patients and providers. Consisting of the bluetooth-enabled Inspire™remote, the Inspire®app, and the SleepSync web portal, the Inspire SleepSync platform enables wireless and automatic Inspire®implant monitoring, efficient care coordination, and dynamic patient ...
Central sleep apneaimplantInspire upper airway stimulation therapyrespicardia remedē systemsleep apneaPositive airway pressure (PAP) therapy has been the standard treatment of choice for sleep disordered breathing, with 29–83% of patients being noncompliant. With the advent of newly Food and Drug ...
patient-friendly, and minimally invasive sleep apnea implant solutions. The convergence of medical innovation, personalized medicine, and the growing awareness of sleep health creates opportunities for market players to contribute to the advancement of sleep apnea management. Proactive engagement with sleep ...
Inspire Implant Therapy for Sleep Apnea 151 How to Know If Surgery Is Working or Not? 153 REFERENCES 155 Sleep Apnea Symptoms in Children and Adolescents ♦ Noisy breathing, hyperactivity, snoring, mouth breathing, coughing, headaches, ♦ Upper airway infections, trouble falling asleep at night...
How does Inspire Sleep Apnea Treatment work? Inspire is implanted in a simple surgical procedure. Approximately one month after surgery, when you are ready to sleep, you can turn the device on with a simple remote control. While yousleep, the Inspire senses breathing and sends a gentle pulse...
A polysomnography (PSG) is performed within 24 months of first consultation for Inspire implant;and Member has predominantly obstructive events (defined as central and mixed apneas less than 25% of the total AHI);and Apnea hypopnea index (AHI) is 15 to 100 events per hour;and ...
Types of surgery for obstructive sleep apnea include: Upper airway stimulator. This device, called Inspire, has a small pulse generator that your surgeon puts under theskinin your upper chest. A wire leading to yourlungtracks your natural breathing pattern. Another wire, leading up to your neck...
"Obstructivesleep apneaoccurs primarily because of the loss of muscle tone when we are sleeping," said Kirk Withrow, M.D., an assistant professor in the UAB Department of Otolaryngology in the School of Medicine and the first surgeon in Alabama to implant the Inspire device. "The tongue or...
Inspire's device treats the problem by stimulating a nerve that controls key airway muscles so that they stay in place, rather than flopping around and interfering with breathing. Between 12 million and 18 million Americans have sleep apnea, according to the National Institutes of Health. It's...