National Directory of affordable sleep apnea doctors for snoring and sleep disorders - Find a local sleep apnea doctor near you to stop snoring and get the good night’s sleep you deserve. Learn about CPAP masks, insomnia and how to stop snoring from a
Board-certified sleep doctor cares for obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, general & pediatric sleep disorders & more.
Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder. People who go untreated stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep. This can lead to the brain and the rest of the body not getting enough oxygen. Which in turn can lead to stroke, heart failure, diabetes, depression, and serious headaches...
“I had a wonderful experience with Dr. West and her team. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and my doctor recommended a CPAP machine. Could not sleep with the CPAP so my doctor recommended an Oral Appliance fabricated by Dr. West. Oral appliance is the best option for me! My wife said...
Now, if the AHI is above 30, we are talking aboutsevere sleep apnea. When my doctor tested me for sleep apnea, he found that my AHI was about 47 on average! OSA is not the only type of sleep apnea. For instance,Central Sleep Apnearefers to when the brain isn’t sending the correct...
During the examination, the doctor will evaluate your visual acuity, assess the overall health of your eyes, and perform various tests to determine the extent and impact of the cataracts. Early detection and diagnosis are crucial as cataracts can progress over time, leading to more severe vision...
It is important to note that the presence of one or more of these signs and symptoms does not confirm that you have sleep apnea. You may be a heavy snorer or urinate frequently throughout the night for other reasons. To confirm a diagnosis, consult with your doctor to undergo professional...
Sleep disorders canoften go undiagnosedand we urge those who use these sleep trackers to enjoy the features and insight they provide, but if they have any concerns or want a confirmation on a potential sleep disorder diagnosis, please go see a doctor so they can recommend a real sleep study...
If the test showssleep apnea, you may need more sleep testing to figure out the best treatment option. What to Expect During a Sleep Study Your doctor will tell you whether to take yourmedicationsas usual or stop using them before the test. Don’t have anycaffeineoralcoholthe day of the...
An apnea is what happens when you stop breathing for a moment during sleep. Apneas are defined as pauses lasting 10 seconds or longer; a shorter pause is known as a hypopnea.