Sledgehammer Games is a video game development company focused on creating first-person action games. The company is renowned for developing titles within the Call of Duty franchise, offering immersive gameplay experiences with high-quality audio and visuals. Sledgehammer Games primarily serves the gami...
Sledgehammer Games the studio behind Call of Duty®: World War II, Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare, and other titles recently premiered the short documentary, Audioland. The Games Blog caught up with David Swenson, Audio Director, and Michael Caisley, Expert Sou...
For those of you that don't know, Beenox has worked on the Wii U in the past and has had a hand in porting CoD titles to last-gen systems - but it's also not a company that's officially working on the new title - that honour falls to Sledgehammer Games. Speaking ...
Shortly before Call of Duty: Vanguard launched, writer Sam Maggs said Sledgehammer Games wanted to make at least twodirect sequels to the shooter, though given the fact that the game has performed below Activision’s expectations on both critical and commercial fronts, it remains to be seen ...
Sledgehammer Games the studio behind Call of Duty®: World War II, Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare, and other titles recently premiered the short documentary, Audioland. The Games Blog caught up with David Swenson, Audio Director, and Michael Caisley, Expert Sound Designer, of Sledge...