panelgrid apex:panelgroup apex:param apex:pieseries apex:radarseries apex:relatedlist apex:remoteobjectfield apex:remoteobjectmodel apex:remoteobjects apex:repeat apex:scatterseries apex:scontrol apex:sectionheader apex:selectcheckboxes apex:selectlist apex:selectoption apex:selectoptions apex:selectradio ...
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The lasing wavelength of the fabricated ECLs matched the ITU grid with an accuracy of ??0.1 nm, and optical powers were more than 0.4 mW at the injection current of 80 mA for all channels. The ECLs showed single mode operations with more than 30 dB side lobe suppression. 展开 ...
超辐射发光二极管 出处很多,百度即可。例如下面的学术期刊中的叫法,应该是比较正规和权威的。 高级发光二极管
1-1 / 1 grid list 圆桌女生派 / 圆桌派番外篇 [可播放] 2017-03-01(中国大陆) / 窦文涛 / 梁文道 / 徐静蕾 / 蒋方舟 / 孟广美 / 中国大陆 / 40分钟 / 脱口秀 / 汉语普通话 2017-04-04 我想说,,孟广美好多人不喜欢吧?不要邀请她咯 屋顶上的猫 > 豆瓣主页 > 全部在看(6) ©...
The lasing wavelength of the fabricated ECLs matched the ITU grid with an accuracy of ??0.1 nm, and optical powers were more than 0.4 mW at the injection current of 80 mA for all channels. The ECLs showed single mode operations with more than 30 dB side lobe suppression....
影片类型:全部 1-1 / 1 grid list 圆桌女生派/ 圆桌派番外篇[可播放] 2017-03-01(中国大陆) / 窦文涛 / 梁文道 / 徐静蕾 / 蒋方舟 / 孟广美 / 中国大陆 / 40分钟 / 脱口秀 / 汉语普通话 2017-04-04 我想说,,孟广美好多人不喜欢吧?不要邀请她咯 ...