How were you able to convert this SLDDRW file to a DWG file? The link in the solution noted in this post doesn't address the SLDDRW file to convert, which I was hoping it would since I need to do this for a SLDDRW file. So if you have the solution for this, please let us know...
如果您想将SketchUp中的模型转换为CAD文件,则可以尝试以下步骤:1.在SketchUp中将模型导出为DWG文件打开SketchUp中的模型,然后依次单击“文件”菜单,选择“导出”>“3D模型”>“AutoCADDWG(*.dwg)”进行导出。将文件保存在您能够方便访问的位置,并记住文件的名... 葉俊傑邀请你来回答 赞 (6) 回复 (1) 上一...
Hi there, I'm trying to import a 2D Dwg to ArchiCad but I keep receiving a message that says "unsupported dxf/dwg file format archicad".. any solution to this? 2 answers 1589 views 0 followers convert slddrw to dxf 2 answers 337 views 0 followers Log in or sign up to answer ©...
You will not be able to open the SLDDRW files directly in NX as there is not a direct translator for this. Only the SLDASM and SLDPRT file types have a direct (Parasolid) translator. To open the data, it will first need to be translated to IGES, DXF/DWG file format, then ...