The South City Campus screening room (1-106A) will show a total of eight films through April 18. Informal discussions with SLCC faculty will follow the film screenings, which range from classics to independent and documentary. According to Tyler Smith, an associate professor of film, the goal...
The SLCC Library also has physical anatomy models available for students to use at the Redwood, Jordan, and South City campuses. SLCC Mobile - SLCC's Mobile App MySLCC is your gateway to campus maps, registration, financial aid, employee services, and much more! Whether you're a Salt Lake...
Klfyis reporting that all schools within Abbeville City limits are on lockdown. They sight some sort of investigation into a possible threat. According to a KPEL news source, the South Louisiana Community College campus in Abbeville is on partial lockdown. The person who shared this information ...
“The Campus Card Services Office is working to make this process automatic,” says McGinty. Faculty and staff have free UTA access year-round, but will need to opt-in to the service. To activate theUTA benefit, visit one of theID centerslocated at the Taylorsville Redwood, South City and...