Code Greene has moved into a new and larger space in Salt Lake City, Utah. According to CEO Mark Polson, the expansion will enable the company to hire an additional employee each month to keep pace with demand. Background of the company is provided.Rattle, BarbaraEnterprise/salt Lake City...
货号PA5-116134 CNY6,255.00 100 µL 下单后预计有货时间 31-Mar-2025 查看价格 批量或定制请求 抗体检测数据 (9) Application Created with Sketch. 图:1/9 SLC7A11 Antibody (PA5-116134) in ICC/IF Immunocytochemistry analysis of SLC7A11 in HeLa cells. Samples were treated with PFA, permeabilized...
For the binding partner analysis, the data were analyzed using Sequest bundled into Proteome Discoverer V2.3. The database used to search the MS/MS spectra was the SwissProtKB mouse protein database containing 16,986 entries with an automatically generated decoy database (reversed sequences). The...
摘要: This paper proposes to find similarity between sign language finger spellings of alphabets from 30 countries with computer vision and support vector machine classifier. A database of 30 countries...DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-5544-7_69 年份: 2018 ...
using STRING. STRING imports protein association knowledge from databases of physical interactions and databases of curated biological pathway knowledge (MINT,HPRD,BIND,DIP,BioGRID,KEGG,Reactome,IntAct,EcoCyc,NCI-Nature Pathway Interaction Database, andGO). A PPI analysis was conducted usinginBio ...
Entry and Reporting) may be used to make the initial entry of a problem, to enter one or more solutions to a problem, to modify or closeout a problem, to generate a variety of pre-defined reports giving status and statistical summaries, and to allow anyone to browse the database. All...
While searching the NCBI database of Expressed Sequence Tags (dbEST; for ESTs with sequence similarity to the human SLC4A2 transcript (GenBank accession number NM_003040), one EST (GenBank accession number DV927173) sequence contained a transcriptional ...
. The Project Database supports the DOD-STD-2167A life cycle model and associated Data Item Descriptions (DIDs). SLCSE's framework approach supports the integration of new tools into the environment and permits the SLCSE to evolve over time and adapt to advances in software engineering ...
摘要:[目的]DNA 甲基化是由DNA 甲基转移酶催化的重要表观遗传修饰,DNA 甲基转移酶在植物发育、转录控制 和代谢途径调控中具有重要作用。本研究旨在明确DNA 甲基转移酶基因SlCMT4调控番茄花器官形成和发育的表观遗传机制。[方法]本研究以经典番茄栽培品种Ailsa Craig (AC ++)为背景材料,采用CRISPR⁃Cas9基因... a web-accessible database for visualizing and mining the global yeast genetic interaction network. Genes Genomes Genet. 7, 1539–1549 (2017). CAS Google Scholar Luk, E., Carroll, M., Baker, M. & Culotta, V. C. Manganese activation of superoxide dismutase 2 in ...