Reprogram 技能 升级前 升级后 测试画风 1 重编程 技能 失去1点集中。 获得1点力量。 获得1点敏捷。 英文名称Reprogram 颜色蓝色 稀有度罕见 耗能1 描述失去1点集中。 获得1点力量。 获得1点敏捷。 升级耗能1 升级描述失去2点集中。 获得2点力量。
更新历史 每周更新31:自定模式 Optional UPGRADE_DESCRIPTION added for Pummel, Heavy Blade, Offering, and Reprogram 展开 红色牌 展开 绿色牌 展开 蓝色牌 展开 紫色牌 展开 无色牌 展开 诅咒牌 分类: 需要翻译 卡牌 罕见卡 攻击卡 红色卡
Replay the Spire Expansion mod for Slay the Spire by The_Evil_Pickle, DecadeDecaf, Bakuhaku, Stewartisme, and Slimer509. (Currently maintained by The_Evil_Pickle) Support this mod at This mod aims to expand upon the base game by adding lot...
reprogram.png cards 千穿百刺 千穿百刺 Riddle with Holes Riddle with Holes 绿色 攻击 罕见 2 造成3点伤害5次。 2 造成4点伤害5次。 riddleWithHoles.png cards 狂乱撕扯 狂乱撕扯 Rip and Tear Rip and Tear 蓝色 攻击 罕见 1 随机对敌人造成7点伤害2次。 1 随机对敌人造成9点伤害2次。 ripAndTear...
Add a random spire boss card to your hand the next 3(5) turns. Return this to your draw pile after 3(4) turns. Chaos Vortex Infinite Spire Black Black Power 0 Gain 10(15) Shielding. (Gain 1 Artifact.) Confuse all enemies. 1 card you draw each turn has its stats and effects ...
ModTheSpire ( BaseMod ( StSLib ( Currently adds: 60 Relics (4 ironclad, 4 silent, 6 defect, 46 shared) 71 Cards (15 ironclad, 15 silent, 15 defect, ...