这款游戏就有点牛批了,最近官中出来,感觉要上天啊: 罗马的奴隶(Slaves of Rome) ver2.0.8 STEAM官方中文版 3D互动游戏 游戏介绍: 罗马的奴隶(Slaves of Rome) 是一款实时3D互动游戏,采用“AA”级别的图形,玩家将扮演一名罗马奴隶主。 游戏内容: 这是一款成人角色扮演模拟游戏,着重强调BDSM元素。 你可以选择成...
Opposition is not coming only from the anti-vax faction, or the fascist movements, which indeed are present in the dissent, and in the case of Rome, have a massive presence. Dissent is much more capillary, diversified and democratic than the mainstream media lets filter through, and a great...
The problem of slavery as history. A global approach. New Haven/London, 2012) in Renaissance Europe. Although almost everybody agreed that Christians were not allowed to enslave or sell fellow Christians and that the enslavement of foreign people had to follow certain rules...
这款游戏就有点牛批了,最近官中出来,感觉要上天啊: 罗马的奴隶(Slaves of Rome) ver2.0.8 STEAM官方中文版 3D互动游戏 游戏介绍: 罗马的奴隶(Slaves of Rome) 是一款实时3D互动游戏,采用“AA”级别的图形,玩家将扮演一名罗马奴隶主。 游戏内容: 这是一款成人角色扮演模拟游戏,着重强调BDSM元素。 你可以选择成...