Having made sure that there were two types of intermediate servile status, the serfdom originated from conquest (woikeus) and the debt-bondage (nenikamenos, katakeimenos), in Fifth-Century BCE Gortyn (IC IV 72), the author insists that in classical Greece outside Athens remained extensively ...
“In what sounds like the plotline of the hugely popular “The Handmaid’s Tale,” a streaming TV series (adapted from a Margaret Atwood book) about a dystopian future where an elite caste of Christian fundamentalists with barren wives systematically rape their eponymous servants to bear their c...
Contrary to the theory that the practise of appropriating the services of slaves was derived from the analogous appropriation of the labor of domesticated animals, and that therefore slavery originated and was a characteristic institution among pastoral peoples, the fact is that it was actually rare ...
The Role Of Slavery In Colonial America First, the slaves originated from French, and later Spanish, colonies rather than from British colonies. After the Louisiana Purchase, an influx of slaves and free blacks from the United States occurred. Secondly, Louisiana’s slave trade was governed by ...
Reggae music, now world-renowned, originated in Jamaica. Modern Caribbean literature owes much to writers and philosophers of the West Indies, including those who emigrated elsewhere; some notable names include Aimé Césaire (Martinique), V.S. Naipaul (Trinidad), Jean Price-Mars and Edwidge ...
This surname that is a surname of someone who does not have a surname originated at a time when many did have a surname and those without van were thus embarrassed and surnamed Zondervan. The essentially ironic name change of an existing family name into De Naamloze calls for reflection on ...