The issue of slavery has been in infamous part of American history since it first started in the 1600’s in Jamestown, Virginia. During the colonial era, white male landowners needed help on their land taking care of crops, so they would purchase the African slaves after they arrived by boa...
Means G.P., 2000, « Human Sacrifice and Slavery in the "Unadministered" Areas of Upper Burma during the Colonial Era », Sojourn : Journal of Social Issues in South East Asia, 15, 2 : 184-221.Means G P, 2000, ``Human sacrifice and slavery in the `unadministered' ...
The small but important region of Dahomey (now the People's Republic of Benin) has played an active role in the world economy throughout the era of mercantile and industrial capitalism, beginning as an exporter of slaves and becoming an exporter of plain oil and palm kernels. This book cover...
In 1739, enslaved people led the Stono Rebellion in South Carolina, the largest slave rebellion during the colonial era in North America. Other rebellions followed, including the one led by Gabriel Prosser in Richmond in 1800 and by Denmark Vesey in Charleston in 1822. These uprisings were ...
as 1740, black authors accounting their experiences as former slaves have used a variety of tactics to best reach audiences with whom it was thought they had little in common with beyond basic humanity, including testimonials, documentation, and use of the popular literary techniques of the era....
Did colonial efforts to abolish slavery in the Indian Ocean eradicate or produce a slave trade? Required readings: Gwyn Campbell, 'Slavery in the Indian Ocean World,' inThe Routledge History of Slavery(2011) Matthew S. Hopper,Slaves of One Master: Globalization and the African Diaspora in Arabia...
Learn about the institution of cotton slavery in America. Discover the economic impact of cotton slavery for the United States, including the north...
The revolution in Saint Domingue added a new sense of urgency to the issue in France, Great Britain, and the United States (as did each of the increasingly troubling slave rebellions that erupted elsewhere in the region during this era), but it was not until the first decade of the 19th ...
The organization of slavery turned into significant to the economy and politics of the us from the colonial era to the Civil war, and its death became related to almost each extensive development of the country’s records. That loss of life got here in broad waves of reform—one gradual, ...
Slavery - African, Colonial, Abolition: The origins of slavery are lost to human memory. It is sometimes hypothesized that at some moment it was decided that persons detained for a crime or as a result of warfare would be more useful if put to work in so