npm install slate-yjs Via yarn: yarn add slate-yjs Why useslate-yjsoverslate-collaborative? Performance.slate-collaborativeworks well for small documents but can cause 20 seconds + load times on heavier ones which slate-yjs can load in a fraction of a second. ...
Slate Yjs- Slate的Yjs绑定。 受启发 安装 通过npm: npm install slate-yjs 通过纱: yarn add slate-yjs 为什么要在slate-collaborative使用slate-yjs ? 表现。 slate-collaborative适用于小型文档,但在较重的文档上会导致20秒以上的加载时间,而slate-yjs可以在不到一秒钟的时间内加载。 要进行更深入的比较,... Packages Slate-yjs's codebase is monorepo managed with yarn workspaces. It consists of a handful of packages—although you won't always use all of them: PackageVersionSizeDescriptionChangelog @slate-yjs/core Core slate-yjs binding. @slate-yjs/react Reac...
React specific components/utils for slate-yjs.. Latest version: 1.1.0, last published: a year ago. Start using @timothyaveni/slate-yjs-react in your project by running `npm i @timothyaveni/slate-yjs-react`. There are no other projects in the npm registry
Source File: block.ts From slate-yjs-example with MIT License 6 votes toggleBlock = (editor: Editor, format: string): void => { const isActive = isBlockActive(editor, format); const isList = LIST_TYPES.includes(format); Transforms.unwrapNodes(editor, { match: (n) => LIST_TYPES....
Source File: link.ts From slate-yjs-example with MIT License 6 votes wrapLink = (editor: Editor, href: string): void => { if (isLinkActive(editor)) { unwrapLink(editor); } const { selection } = editor; const isCollapsed = selection && Range.isCollapsed(selection); const link = {...
Slate Yjs- Slate的Yjs绑定。 受启发 安装 通过npm: npm install slate-yjs 通过纱: yarn add slate-yjs 为什么要在slate-collaborative使用slate-yjs ? 表现。 slate-collaborative适用于小型文档,但在较重的文档上会导致20秒以上的加载时间,而slate-yjs可以在不到一秒钟的时间内加载。 要进行更深入的比较,请查...
简介:DT Slate Brush Browser Plug -in description This plug -in can browse the brush used in the UE system, and copy the painting brush data to copy it in its own UMG blueprint. 1. Open the DT Brush Browser tool in the toolbar ...
BitPhinix/slate-yjsPublic Sponsor Notifications Fork58 Star423 Compare github-actionsreleased this27 May 18:50 ·7 commitsto main since this release @slate-yjs/react@1.0.0 09b363e Patch Changes Updated dependencies [a6a27c8,a6a27c8,72bbbf3]: ... Packages Slate-yjs's codebase is monorepo managed withyarn workspaces. It consists of a handful of packages—although you won't always use all of them: Products These products use slate-yjs, and can give you an idea of what's possible:...