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Define Slashdot effect. Slashdot effect synonyms, Slashdot effect pronunciation, Slashdot effect translation, English dictionary definition of Slashdot effect. n computing a temporary surge in the numbers visiting a website and consequent service slowdow
virtual referenceRSSLibraries' information consumer market share continues to freefall, despite the opportunities that have emerged with the arrival of the Information Age. We've built digital libraries, offering access to immense digital collections of quality resources, and online service desks staffed ...
Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters. Timely news source for technology related news with a heavy slant towards Linux and Open Source issues.
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Why Apple Backed out from India? http://apple.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/06/19/1537202&from=rss 苹果为何退出印度 原因只有一个,印度发展太快了,上一个季度增长率竟然达到9.3个百分点,这对苹果公司来说,已经不是一个便宜的地方了~~~。中国会比印度便宜吗?
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News360m is a cross-platform, news aggregator, newsreader, and RSS feed that lets the users get their favorite interring topics and articles on their favorite devices. It is an application that always brings the hot topic and stories around the world in the preferred device of News360, inclu...
Via slashdot [http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/01/28/2349225&from=rss] at [http://measurementlab.net/] === Google and Friends Release Net Neutrality Measuring Tools Posted by timothy on Wednesday January 28, @06:59PM from the which-packet-how-fast dept. angry tapir write...
http://slash.solidot.org/article.pl?sid=07/10/27/1244202&from=rss Solidot网站经常不时出现小毛小病,比如最近留言计数器严重滞后。同样采用slashcode的slashdot是如何运行的,值得我们参考。它的Alexa排名在800左右(digg现在是100左右,差距越来越大了),每天的流量很惊人。在建站10周年之际,Slashdot的工程师介绍了...