1.14 or later CraftingGuid Mod Pack Policy: You have permission to include the SlashBlade mod in any mod pack, as long as the following conditions are met: You cannot make any money off of the mod pack Remove the mod from your pack if I specifically request it Credit the author is not ...
[Addon][实用]我的世界生存喷气背包模组V1.0汉化版(附下载链接)/基岩版Jet-Pack Survival模组/我的世界手机国际版模组介绍 03:22 [Addon]我的世界基岩版真正的背包V1.17最新汉化版(附下载链接)/手机国际版可合成背包模组/我的世界手机国际版模组介绍 07:28 [Addon]我的世界基岩版3D枪械模组方块行动1最新汉化...
Please tell me how to remove recipes from the Slash Blade(1.12.2) addon (The Last Smith, SlashBlade Japanese Addon Pack) I tried recipes.removeByMod("flammpfeil.slashblade"); recipes.removeByMod("slashblade_addon"); recipes.removeByMod("lastsmith"); but some crafts still remained, and if ...
hey flammpfeil, I had a member of mine from a modpack I'm making a request to me if I could add this mod to my pack, idk If I'm allowed with how your description, I'm asking if it's ok if I add it to my pack with your name in the change log as credit?
[Addon][优质模组介绍]国际版1.20终极植物大战僵尸SERPVZ V1.1.0(附下载链接)/我的世界植物大战僵尸MOD 08:46 [Addon]磁吸漏斗?!让你的世界自动化起来!国际版机械工艺模组V1.2.0汉化版(附下载链接)/MechanicalCraft Addon 14:36 [Addon][优质模组介绍]国际版1.20变形手镯模组V0.1.8汉化版(附下载链接)/Morp...