At a time when the entire province is on alert for another potentially challenging wildfire season, a group of residents on the Sunshine Coast is voicing concern about the fire risk posed by 200 slash piles that were supposed to be cleaned up by now. The piles of...
The effectiveness of using a bundler, expressed by the productivity achieved, depends largely on the extent the wood slash is prepared. When the slash is concentrated in rows or piles, the machine does not have to travel over the entire work area to gather scattered material, which increases ...
Restoration practices incorporating timber harvest (e.g. to remove undesirable species or reduce tree densities) may generate unmerchantable wood debris that is piled and burned for fuel reduction. Slash pile burns are common in longleaf pine ecosystem restoration that involves hardwood removal before ...
Restoration practices incorporating timber harvest (e.g. to remove undesirable species or reduce tree densities) may generate unmerchantable wood debris that is piled and burned for fuel reduction. Slash pile burns are common in longleaf pine ecosystem restoration that involves hardwood removal before ...