Related: How to get the 01010010 01010101 01001110 badge in Slap Battles – Roblox As the description of this badge states, you must now save someone out of the goodness of your heart in order to unlock it—but what does that mean? To put it simply, you must find a player who's fall...
Along the way, you may even earn a few badges, some of which are ultra secret! Continue reading below for a brief look at how to unlock one of these secret badges, the The Golden Slapple badge. Recommended VideosHow to earn the The Golden Slapple badge in Slap Battles - Roblox...
How do you get the potato glove in Slap Battles on Roblox? Players will need to unlock the “Sorry to Burst Your Bubble” badge to unlock the potato glove. It’s a rather difficult badge to unlock in normal matches, so you’ll be better off inviting a friend to complete the following ...
Roblox: How to Unlock the Knockoff Glove in Slap Battles Unlike the dozens and dozens of other gloves inSlap Battles, the Knockoff Glove can’t be bought with in-game currency. Instead, it’s part of the pantheon of gloves that are only unlocked by earning badges. In this case, the K...
Roblox: How to Unlock the Knockoff Glove in Slap Battles Unlike the dozens and dozens of other gloves in Slap Battles, the Knockoff Glove can’t be bought with in-game currency. Instead, it’s part of the pantheon of gloves that are only unlocked by earning badges. In this case, the...