草泥马; Grass Mud Horse; The Grass Mud Horse or Cǎonímǎ (草泥马) is a Chinese Internet meme widely used as a euphemism for the cursing phrase cào nǐ mā (肏你妈). It is a wordplay on the Mandarin words cào nǐ mā (肏你妈), literally, “f̲u̲c̲k̲ your mother”,...
However, in other cases, this term is simply used to describe a middle-aged man. 大写加粗 [dà xiě jiā cū]: Written in bold and all caps. This Internet slang term is used to emphasize the words that come thereafter. 帶節奏 [dài jié zòu]: Lead+rhythm. <Gaming terminology> To ...
In the context of the Gulf War it was shown that loanwords denoting new military technology had a significant impact on the development of American military slang during this period. Also, the personification of the enemy as Saddam Hussein led to the creation of many new slang terms. Finally,...