That’sslang—the living, breathing soul of a language. In Chinese, slang words and phrases can change quickly, drawing from internet culture, youth trends, and evolving social norms. If you want to sound more like alao Zhongguo tong(老中国通, “old China hand”) or simply keep up with ...
Discover the charm of British slang with 105 colourful words and phrases! Explore the unique expressions that make UK conversations truly special.
to tease someone, usually in a friendly wayjugs a woman's breastsjuice energy, powerjuicy very interesting in a scandalous or lurid wayjump to leave without permission, to move illegally jumpy anxious, uneasy, on edgejunk a dangerous drug, especially an opiate like heroin or morphine...
漫改[màn gǎi] n. Short for 漫畫改編 [màn huà gǎi biān] “adapted from comics / manga.” 國漫[guó màn] n. 國産漫畫 [guó chǎn màn huà] “domestic comics.” These two words showed up a lot these days because of the domestic comics-adapted animated movie “Ne Zha” brok...
Brahms and Liszt-Rhyming Slangfor 'pissed' (drunk). brass monkeys- cold weather. bread: money. brew (1): tea or coffee. brew (2): beer. brill- short for 'brilliant'. bull: bullshit; lie. bullshit[offensive]: lie; dishonesty.
This term is useful for moments when either you or someone you know makes a silly mistake. It teases, lightens a situation and generally makes people smile. Papa frita, vas por el camino equivocado.(Dummy, you’re going the wrong way.) ...
Slang terms from the 80s - Popular phrases and slang words we used while growing up in the 1980s. Definition and description of 80s slang.
1879 Pearl 1 July in Bold (1979) 65: Fuck till your penis will no longr stand, / She still your bollocks will tease with her hand. 1889 C. Deveureux Venus in India I 41: You are a good poke and no mistake! Oh! You know how to fuck! 1898 Forbidden Fruit n.p.: Then I'm ...
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Social unrest, an unpopular war, civil rights abuses, growing drug usage and a general distrust of Government provided plenty to draw from for 1960s slang lingo. Most of what you’ll read here is unique to the sixties, some however are words or phrases that were popular in the past but...