For examples of regional slang words, you may hear a student in Boston say something is “wicked good” (which just means something is very good). A student in Texas or South Carolina may say “y’all should come to the game later” (meaning you or the group of you). And in Philade...
Conversational English Slang Words American English slang 1. What’s up? – Hey; what are you doing? “Hey Tom! What’s up?” “Not much!” 2. I feel you – I understand and empathize with you. Eg. “I feel you. That was really unfair.” 3. I get it – I understand. Eg. ...
It's so good, I almost have to slow myself down and enjoy it, otherwise I just wolf it down!太好了,我得放慢速度享受它,否则我就狼吞虎咽了!Sounds like you need to get there fast.听起来你想要快点去。Ready to go now?可以走了吗?Did you hear the slang words and phrases?你听到里面...
I’m being honest, trust me…for real. So if you’re telling a story and you really want those people to know that you’re being honest you can add that at the end and just say for real. This is what the word means…for real. ...
Imagineyou'rereallyhappyandyouwanttoproducethe /iː/ sound, youdoanicesmilewiththemouthandthetonguegoesslightlyhighinthetopofthemouth.想象你很开心,你想发/iː/音,你用嘴微笑,舌头在嘴的顶部稍微高一点。Andthenimagineyou'rereallyreallyhappy, right, you'resmiling, you'rereallyhappyandthensuddenly...
Safe, sorted, sound, cool or wicked all mean “That’s good” or “I understand”. Instead of using different tag questions (附加疑问句) like “… isn’t it?”, “… can’t you?” or “… don’t they?”, people use “innit”. For example, “He can dance really well, innit!
I’m so tired. I feel like I just ran a 5k. 我好累,感觉我刚跑了个5公里长跑一样。 Bazillion Bajillion 无数多 I’ve already told you a bajillion new words today, so I hundo p need to stop now! 我今天已经跟你分享了无数个生词,所以我百分百需要立刻停下来!
If you're doing the wrong thing and someone walks up to you and says "Mate, what do you think you're doing?", you know, they're pissed off right and that's Australian for annoyed. Now a lot of slang words in Australia follow a really similar pattern.如果你做错了某件事情,某人走到...
The words and phrases you memorize in the classroom may not always sound natural when you use them in real life. Do you really want to impress the locals in China? We are here to help you! Go ahead and bust out any of these Chinese slang words and phrases so that you can stop sound...
It's not really a good idea to talk about your own wealth in English.It sounds kind of pretentious or rude but we love talking about other people's wealth, just not our own.用英语谈论自己的财富并不是什么好主意。听起来很自命不凡,很粗鲁,但是我们喜欢谈论别人的财富,不是我们的。Is that...