1900 E.H. Babbitt ‘College Words and Phrases’ in DN II:i 59: shark, n. One who excels in anything. 1914 N.Y. Eve. Post 5 Jan. 6: [The] ‘shark’ known to the American college world [...] [is] primarily, the student who devours and digests learning with ease [DA]. 1924...
2000 N. Griffiths Grits 463: The girls’re tawkin abaht [...] words faw ‘fanny’, it sounds like: — In America it means bum, apparentlih. 2008 Sun. Times (S. Afr.) 6 Jan. 9: All I need is to take care of the essentials – face, fanny and feet, which is why I will br...
Clark Words of the Vietnam War 149/1: Dogpatch GI nickname for the Vietnamese shanty towns that sprung up outside the gates of many U.S. base camps. 1992 B. Gifford Night People 37: ‘I been around,’ Jasper said. ‘Dogpatch USA.’. dogpile (v.) (US) for a group of people...