Today we’re going to discuss common drug slang terms for everything from club drugs to prescription drugs. Ecstasy Ecstasy Ecstasy is perhaps one of the best-known party drugs. Also called MDMA and Molly, this synthetic drug creates a high where the user feels more relaxed and trusting. Fo...
A Yiddish term for gay that is derived from the word bird is another possible root for the term "fag." This is especially possible in the United States. The terms "faggot" and "fag" referring to a "bundle of sticks" were rarely used in historical American English. Furthermore, American ...
Are you concerned your loved one is using drugs? Here are some symptoms to look out for as well a list of popular slang and street terms for drugs.
2001 ONDCP Street Terms 4: Brain damage — Heroin. brain dead see separate entries. brain drain (n.) the emigration of highly qualified people, generally scientists and academics, from a country (e.g. Britain) in search of more prestigious jobs, better facilities for research and higher sal...
2001 ONDCP Street Terms 2: Bean — A capsule containing drugs. 2012 W. Keyser‘Carny Lingo’ in 🌐 Beans, or Beanies — Amphetamines (‘stay awake for days’ pills). 6. (US) a Mexican, any Spanish-American; occas. as adj. [stereotyping of the Mexican diet]....
This “slanguage” represents today’s culture and many of the problems that go along with it. Although much of it is humorous, a good portion of it is very offensive. Many of the words are terms for sexual activity and drug use. Many of the examples given are common quotes from youth...
2001 ONDCP Street Terms 10: Go — Amphetamines; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). In compounds go pill (n.) [amphetamines give one energy and ‘go’] (US) a pill or capsule of amphetamine. 1957 196019701980199020002010 2017 1957 E. & S. Deak Grand Dictionnaire d’Americanismes. 1969...