Gofasters -- A term for sneakers used in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. GOFO -- Literally stands for "grasp of the ***ing obvious." Gone Elvis -- A service member who is missing in action. Grape -- A term with two meanings; one for the Air Force and one for the Navy. A ...
·COWOffensive term for a woman ·DRAGInhale smoke from cigarette or joint Dressed as a woman ·FOXSexy, attractive woman ·HAGUnattractive old woman ·HOLLAUsed by a man to express interest in a woman ·HOOCHIEOver made up woman with trashy dress sense ...
· WOG Offensive term for a black personA foreigner · YELLOW BONE Light-skinned black woman Other terms relating to 'metal': · CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor · FMA Full Metal Alchemist · FMJ Full Metal Jacket · MGO Metal Gear Online (game) · MGS Metal Gear Solid (game)...
Let us knowin the commentsif you already knew some of them! Make sure to check the explanations ofeach slang term belowto also get their variations. ㅋㅋ (sound of laughter) This slang comes from 크크 (kuh-kuh). The English equivalent would be “LOL” or “hahaha”. You can add...
Universal Navy/Marine term for helicopter. Don’t say “chopper” unless you’re hanging out with the Army. High PRF Extremely excitable (PRF is a radar term: pulse repetition frequency). High Warble Unduly agitated. Hinge Head Slang term for O-4s (LCDR). Legend has it that whenever a ...
and I like the look of the hyphenated form. So there. I suspect that in this case one might argue that “industrial-sized” is a temporary compound. I’ve not looked for the term in any dictionaries, so I can’t say. The concept is familiar to anyone who shops at places like Sam’...
Dead Horse –rhyming slang for tomato sauce Dead marine – an empty beer bottle Dead Ringer – exactly the same, or an exact copy. Similar to the German term ‘Doppelganger’ Dead set – genuine, authentic Dear – expensive Death trap – an extremely dangerous and unroadworthy car – more...
Foot Wobbler Cavalry term for infantry Grog A mixture of rum and water Inexpressibles Breeches Johnny Newcombe New recruit Jolly A marine Jonathan An American Knock-Me-Down Strong ale Leg Bail Leave without pay debts Light Bobs Light infantry Muff Cap A hussar's fur busby Necessa...
Sun Turned Crimson (1998) 214: It wasn’t the greatest shit we’d ever had but it got us straight. 1982 G. Newbold Big Huey 12: It’s [i.e. morphine] really good shit, man. Pharmaceutical. 1995 Francis-Jackson Official Dancehall Dict. 47: Shit general term for illegal drugs (...
Short for ‘The Dog’s Bollocks’; something very good. 10. (US black campus) a freshman. 1934 1940195019601970 1960 1934 H. Sebastian ‘Negro Sl. in Lincoln University’ in AS IX:4 288: dog (also canine, hound, pup, and puppy). The usual and commonly applied term for a freshman....