The term stops to be slang when it drives its respectable synonym (同义词) out of use,or when it acquires a meaning that cannot be expressed otherwise. Such things have happened. The term "hot dog" was once a slang term,but it couldn't be considered so now. No one in America would...
“Root” – A term meaning have sex. GIF “Slab” – 24 pack of beer. “Servo” – Gas Station. GIF “Chucking a Sickie” – Calling out when you’re NOT actually sick. GIF “Sook” – Whiner, crybaby, little bitch. GIF “We’re not here to fuck spiders” – Get going/let’s...
To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following. [ hot dog] Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation.
The Rez Short for Native's Reserve or Reservation; territory where Natives reside and do business See The Rez Rip, rippin' To do something with intensity e.g. "Rippin' bicep curls", "rip farts", "rippin' dog pics on Bumble" Rippers, rip club Generic term for a strip club e....
Ainsworth - A slang term sometimes used for 6-2. Ajax - A slang term sometimes used for Ace jack (A-J). Alabama Night Riders - A slang term sometimes used for Three of a kind, kings. Alaska Hand - A slang term sometimes used for King 3 (K-3). All Black - Describes a spade ...
A slang term that can alternately mean bisexual, the state of being attracted to two or more genders; unisex, being used by or suitable for any gender; or having characteristics shared by male and female genders (especially sexual characteristics). For example: “Pat is pretty ambisextrous. ...
Cishet: A broad term used to describe someone who is both cisgender and heterosexual. Comphet: Stands for "compulsory heterosexuality," and is the harmful notion that heterosexuality is the only valid sexuality and that everyone should be/is expected to be straight. This feeling is a result of...
rooinek - ("red neck") Afrikaner derogatory term for English person or English speaking South African. Derived in 19th century due to native British not being used to the hot African sun and getting sunburnt, especially on the neck. Almost the exact opposite to the American usage of "...
A term (usu. derogatory) of a white man. Most known by George Jefferson of "The Jeffersons" TV series. Hooda bad boy (one your mama wouldn't approve of!) Hot Pantshot pants means look at her she is very cute or she is a hooty Hotdog!When you are amazed at something How's It...
Daddy-O –Term of address (Beats) D.D.T. (Drop Dead Twice) –Response: What, and look like you? Deck of Luckies –pack of Lucky Strike cigarettes (thanks to Timothy Heins for this) Deuce –A 1932 Ford (hot-rodders) Dibs –A claim – as in “got dibs” on that seat Dig –To...