For those further interested in yaass, may we suggest looking at these informative images? On Fleek Photo: Metaweb GNU Free Documentation License According to most of the users on Urban Dictionary, when something is "on fleek" it means that whatever that thing is is pe...
While Slang: Professional English might be a helpful tool for improving your overall English vocabulary and grammar, it’s not your go-to app for tackling the ever-evolving beast of internet slang. For that, you might need to call in some other heroes from our list of text slang converter ...
n.p.: The young woman at the bar had for some years been what was termed a ‘gay woman’. 1857 J.E. Ritchie Night Side of London 48: The gay women, as they are termed, are worse off than American slaves. 1862 Birmingham Dly Post 26 Dec. 3/4: ‘My mother, known as “Flash ...
147: Speaking of early black vocal groups, slang terms for the female genitalia or vagina, and errant pullulations in country music, mention might here be made of the Old South Quartette’s ‘Pussy Cat Rag’ of 1928 [...] From there, it was not far to Bo Chatman’s 1931 ‘Pussy ...
One early person to usestanfor an obsessed fan was the rapper Nas in a 2001 track where he raps: “You a fan, a phony, a fake, a pussy, a Stan.” An Urban Dictionary entry describingstanfor intense fandom was added in 2006, and one of the first tweets usingstanas a verb for gre...
A list of slang words for sexuality (related to). Find words with this meaning on The Online Slang Dictionary's slang thesaurus (urban thesaurus).
To help those unfamiliar with modern slang, we compiled all of the most popular terms on our list alongside definitions from Urban Dictionary into the table above. To read through, simply click to the next page or look up specific terms in the search bar at the top of the table. ...
“This dictionary isn’t so you can try to talk like someone you’re not. But it is a good reference for those who are seeking to understand a piece of youth culture today. No … every kid doesn’t use all of these words. But this is a comprehensive list of many of the words you...
Mafaspreads further online in early 2000s—oh, the internet. We can findmafaon a 2003 message board (about, of all things, kite-flying) where a user euphemistically substitutes it formotherfuckerin song lyrics. Urban Dictionary entersmafaby 2005 and people weremafa’ingon the likes of Twitter...
It can also be used to to denote an attractive person (m/f) The answer is: 👍 Helpful(0) 💡 Interesting(0) 😄 Funny(0) 🤔 Confusing(0) AnnaEnglish TutorLinguist professional with a Business Degree using English every day for work and privately. 8 years ago Contact tutor8 years...